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We all knowin...


its hard out there!!

We all work hard to make a living, but we REALLY living only to work hella hard. 

Bein in a major city next to another one don't make it any easier. 

Rising Costs.Tech. Greed. and The "Pandemic"...isn't making things any easier. 

Wanna know how we all made it this far?... Stickin it out together. 

Supporting each other. The local peeps. The mom and pop shops. 

We forgetting about who we are...Yeah, we ain't nothin big, 

A lot of us work for "The "BIG CORPORATIONS"  that be sending the people who got more than any of us will ever have... out to space. 

While we down here workin to buy shit, that's supportin that.

We makin it happen for them AND taking care of our families, friends and local businesses.


Not gonna go on cause Ya'll get it.

Keep it local. Let's support each other. That's all we got left...right?. 

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